
*Eating Well for Immune Health

Alan Gutierrez, MS, RD, LD, presents on optimizing immunity with nutrition and lifestyle. The speaker outlines the dangers of flu season and provides a brief overview of the

*Eating Well for Immune Health2023-03-21T09:18:00-05:00

*Intervención de Autismo: La Gran Foto

Click here for a Certificate of Attendance: Hay muchas razones que el simbol del autismo es una pieza de un rompe cabeza. Una es que la

*Intervención de Autismo: La Gran Foto2019-09-17T08:27:55-05:00

*Preparing for Cold & Flu Season

Did you know there are dietary and lifestyle changes that support the body’s natural defenses against viruses like the flu and common cold? This presentation will cover foods,

*Preparing for Cold & Flu Season2019-09-17T08:29:15-05:00

*Nutrition & Autism – Research Updates

Nutrition and Autism: What is the connection and what does the research tell us? Is there an “autism diet”? What is dietary intervention? What role does nutrition play

*Nutrition & Autism – Research Updates2019-09-17T08:31:14-05:00

*Complementary Care & ASD

Research suggests that between 30-95% of children with ASD have used Complementary and Al- ternative Medical (CAM) treatments. However, there is little research that has been published on

*Complementary Care & ASD2019-09-17T08:31:43-05:00

Toxicant Induced Loss of Tolerance TILT

Handouts are online at: Ebook is online at: Warning signs of Toxicant-Induced Loss of Tolerance (TILT) – “Does my child have an infection?” or “Is my

Toxicant Induced Loss of Tolerance TILT2021-07-19T14:19:32-05:00

Gene/Environment Interactions

Updates on emerging research on the role of epigenetics in the etiology of autism. From the 2013 ARI Think Tank. Published 04/27/2013 Dr. James is a Research

Gene/Environment Interactions2019-11-15T04:59:55-05:00
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