Our Mission
The Autism Research Institute works to support the health and well-being of people affected by autism through innovative, impactful research, and education.
For more than 50 years, ARI has been at the forefront of modern autism research. ARI works to pioneer efforts in biological research, educational outreach, and networking across organizations worldwide.
While the causes of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) remain unclear, recent scientific advances challenge the traditional view of autism as an untreatable, “genetically hard-wired” disease. These scientific research strides support the position ARI ― and its founder, renowned psychologist and autism researcher Dr. Bernard Rimland ― has always maintained: Autism is treatable.
Our Actions
ARI is a leading advocate for autism research and a unique resource for individuals with ASD, their families, healthcare professionals and, last but certainly not least, investigators working to find key symptoms and signs for early diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
ARI has awarded more than 100 research grants over the past 10 years.
We continue to support our community by:
- Creating online educational events for parents and caretakers
- Offering continuing medical education credit for physicians, teachers, dietitians and occupational therapists
- Providing frequent research updates through our monthly e-newsletter and our clinical e-newsletter
- Offering the ATEC, a free online assessment tool for individuals with ASD, in 23 languages
- Publishing our quarterly science newsletter, Autism Research Review International, to provide updates on the latest biomedical and educational research worldwide
- Sponsoring annual Think Tanks to discuss issues related to promising treatments and intervention
- Funding a tissue bank for the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development at the University of Maryland (410-706-1755), the Digestive Function Laboratory Repository at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, and a specimen bank for non-autistic individuals to provide proper comparison controls for researchers
- Collaborating with nonprofit and research organizations worldwide
- See More
In addition, we offer a resource line at Resource Line (833) 281-7165.
The late Nancy Herndon Cale was the voice behind our resource line for over a decade. Read her full memorial here.
Our Operations
ARI is dedicated to developing a standard of care for individuals with autism spectrum disorders and their families. To do this, we rely on the generosity of donations from people like you to fund our mission and research efforts. ARI seeks no financial support from government agencies or drug manufacturers.
ARI needs your support to continue to advance autism research and provide needed information and support to families and individuals affected by autism.
The Autism Research Institute (ARI) is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization focused on conducting and sponsoring research aimed at improving the quality of life for today’s generation of children and adults with autism spectrum disorders.
Donations are tax-deductible: Fed ID No. 95-2548452