Food and Feeding Questionnaire
Macie Moore, a clinical intern at The Johnson Center for Child Health and Development in Austin, Texas is conducting an independent inquiry project on food, feeding, and dietary intervention in children with ASD.
Each response is completely anonymous. Please fill out this questionnaire to help gather information for the project.
Compensation Skills in Autism
Dr. Gregory Wallace, a frequent ARI webinar presenter on autism in adulthood, including executive functioning differences, eating behaviors, and aging well, is seeking autistic adult participants to complete an online study.
You may qualify for the Compensation Skills in Autism study if you:
• Are on the autism spectrum (for example, Autism, Asperger’s syndrome, Pervasive Developmental Disorder, etc.), whether self-diagnosed or diagnosed by a health/educational professional
• Are at least 18 years old
• Do not have a diagnosis of an intellectual disability (Note: this does not include a learning disability, such as dyslexia)
• Live in the United StatesFor more info visit the study website or contact the investigators.
Parent Training to Help Manage Childrens’ Fears and Anxiety
Dr. Lauren Moskowitz, a frequent ARI webinar presenter on challenging behaviors and anxiety, is seeking participants in a research study on the effectiveness of an online parent training program for parents of children between the ages of 3-12 years old with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and co-occurring Intellectual Disability to teach their children to help overcome or cope with their fears or phobias. We are currently seeking parents to volunteer to participate in this parent training program. Participants must live in the U.S. English fluency is required to participate in this study. Learn more or email the study investigators.
Seeking young adults with autism, who have experienced trauma or adverse experiences, to take part in a research study
The Johnson Center for Child Health and Development is conducting a study of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) for addressing anxiety and post traumatic stress.
Participants will be ages 18 or older, have an autism diagnosis, and have experienced traumatic or adverse events like bullying, violence, accidents, loss, or negative perceptions of any differences. This study will evaluate the use of EDMR therapy over eight weeks of counseling sessions. Participants must be within traveling distance of the research location in Austin, TX.
For More Information:
- Call: 512.732.8400
- Email the study coordinators:
Inflammatory Subtype: Biomarkers
Dr. Harumi Jyonouchi is conducting research to characterize a previously unidentified inflammatory subtype of autism to improve autism treatment options. Individuals aged 1-30 years with autism and also typically developing individuals are invited to participate Contact the Study Investigators at
Learn more About the Experiences of Children and Teens with ASD
This is a study that will compare how children ages 11-18 with and without autism experience the world around them.
Adults: Survey takers needed
If you or a person you care for is on the autism spectrum and is 50 years of age or older, we would appreciate it if you could complete the online form.

Resiliency Program for Parents of Children with ASD
Massachusetts General Hospital’s Parental Stress Study is offering a video-conferencing program to teach resiliency to parents who have children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. The program will be 8 weeks long, and meet once a week for 1.5 hours. Please contact the study investigators if you have any questions.
Openings for a study on treating gut problems in adults with autism.
Ongoing studies on gastrointestinal issues and treatments for autistic adults and children. For additional information, please visit the research study website.