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Published: 01/18/2017
Robert L. Hendren, D.O., is head of PRONTO Research Lab, a consultant for the STAR Autism Clinic, and Co-Director of the Dyslexia Center and Vice Chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco.
Gestational Influences and Autism
Dr. Judy Van de Water, Ph.D., explores the role of gestational factors in the development of autism. She explains how maternal immune activation, antibody patterns, and immune markers play significant roles in neurodevelopment
Could treating moms’ periodontal disease lower odds of autism?
Mothers who receive periodontal treatment during pregnancy may reduce the odds of their children developing autism spectrum disorders (ASD), according to a new study. Carl Bose and colleagues collected data on 306
Two studies indicate that autoantibodies in maternal blood may provide diagnostic clues in autism
Certain patterns of proteins in the blood of pregnant women may help to predict one type of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in children, according to two new studies. Both studies focused on
Behavioral and Brain Signatures of Autism in Females
Kaustubh Supekar, Ph.D., examines recent findings about gender/sex differences in autism phenotypes and brain organization. He highlights the underrepresentation of females in autism and underscores the need for a large-scale science approach. The
Pregnancy spacing may affect odds of ASD
Mothers of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) may reduce their odds of having another child with ASD if they time a second pregnancy to occur 2.5 to 3 years after the
Study hints at association between maternal exposure to flame retardant chemicals and ASD
A new animal study suggests that maternal exposure to a class of fire-retardant chemicals called polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) may play a role in autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Elena Kozlova and colleagues