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According to the latest CDC report, 1 out of every 50 school-age children now has an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). There is mounting evidence that environmental influences are playing a role in the increasing rates of ASD. The combination of genetic vulnerabilities along with environmental toxins may result in disturbances or imbalances in the immune, gastrointestinal, mitochondrial, hormonal, and/or neurologic systems in some children. These disturbances often can be assessed through a detailed history and laboratory tests. Evidence-based holistic and natural approaches to these imbalances will be discussed, including vitamins, dietary changes, and herbal medicines. Specific recommendations for reducing your family’s exposure to environmental toxins and creating a healthy home will also be reviewed.

Published: 05/22/2013

Dr. Chandra is a board certified psychiatrist who uses an integrative and holistic approach to help those with challenging psychological and behavioral issues. She has an undergraduate degree from Harvard and a medical degree from Yale University. After medical school, she completed a psychiatry residency at the Massachusetts General Hospital/McLean Hospital combined program at Harvard Medical School. She also has extensive training in integrative and holistic approaches. She has spoken at numerous conferences, including the Advisory Board on Autism and Related Disorders, the Autism Society of America, and the Autism Research Institute.

  • autism genetics and environmental factors

Editorial – Genetics, the Environment & Autism

June 3rd, 2019|News|

The word “genetics” tends to spark different reactions by parents and professionals within the autism community, ranging from interest to indifference or even annoyance. These days the media seems to report a