How will having a child with autism in the family affect my typical child?
Each child and family is different so one cannot provide a global answer. However, the following interventions will help to diminish stress and promote positive adjustment: providing the typical child with education about autism throughout his or her lifespan, opportunities to share positive and negative feelings, opportunities to meet other siblings and families with children with autism, activities outside of the developmental disabilities community, special time with parents, skills to interact with their siblings and if something were to happen to the parents, a plan for the care of the child with autism.
How do I describe “autism” to my typical child?
The description depends on the developmental level of the typical child. For instance, preschool and early elementary aged children are usually satisfied with a description of behaviors their brothers/sisters exhibit. For example, a parent could explain that the child with autism does not like change, or his clothes bother him, or she cannot talk, or it makes her feel better to pace back and forth. As the typical child ages, the descriptions, explanations, and vocabulary can become more detailed and specific. One way parents can determine if they have provided enough information to the child is to look for the “glazed over eyes.” If you see this expression, you have said enough. You may also gauge what you say by the questions presented by the typical child. Inform the child that he or she is always invited to ask questions about their sibling’s special needs.
Is autism contagious?
No. You cannot catch autism like you catch a cold. Children with autism are born with their special needs. Parts in their brains work a little bit differently than other people’s brains and because of this, we see these behaviors.
What should I do if kids make fun of my brother/sister?
“I don’t want to join in, but I’m afraid if I don’t, they won’t like me.”
This can be a tough one for kids. I have asked other children with siblings with special needs to help me answer this question. Their suggestions include the following:
“Even though they might not be your friends anymore, stick up for your brother or sister”
“Ignore them”
“Find a friend and stand up to the kids making fun of your brother/sister”
“Tell an adult you trust and ask for their help with the problem”
“Have your mom or dad come in and teach the class about autism.”
Book: Siblings: The Autism Spectrum Through our Eyes
This book should be read by all persons desiring a better understanding of the issues that siblings of children with autism experience. This book is a good read for parents and young adult siblings of children with autism.” Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders