
Motor Skills and Executive Function in Autism

Learn about emerging research on the relationship between the development of motor skills and executive function in autistic children. Handouts are online HERE

Motor Skills and Executive Function in Autism2024-05-08T16:09:01-05:00

Research Updates: Nutrition and Autism 2023

Kelly Barnhill, MBA, CN, CCN, summarizes emerging research on nutritional approaches and supports for autistic people. She outlines recent investigations on sensory processing and nutrition, dietary

Research Updates: Nutrition and Autism 20232024-03-30T08:58:39-05:00

Transitions from Pediatric to Adult Medical Care

Julie Corder, CNP, and Carrie Cuomo, DNP, CPNP, with the Cleveland Clinic Learning Hospital, discuss the critical stages of transition from pediatric to adult healthcare for individuals

Transitions from Pediatric to Adult Medical Care2023-11-02T15:02:29-05:00

TMS and Autism – 2021 Research Updates

Manuel Casanova, MD, discusses Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and its potential for treating autism. He details the cerebral cortex development and notes revealed differences in mini-columnar morphology and gamma oscillations

TMS and Autism – 2021 Research Updates2022-04-20T09:53:59-05:00

Overview: Medical Comorbidities and ASD

In this brief overview, neurologist Margaret Bauman, MD summarizes symptoms and signs of medical comorbidities that frequently occur, but may go unrecognized, in patients diagnosed with ASD. While the

Overview: Medical Comorbidities and ASD2022-04-20T13:09:36-05:00

PANS/PANDAS in Children with Autism

The information below is from the 2019 ARI webinar, PANS/PANDAS - Research Updates In rare cases, some children may experience the sudden onset of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder or

PANS/PANDAS in Children with Autism2022-05-10T16:48:41-05:00
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