Many families are continuing to cope at home this summer and looking for practical strategies to support their loved ones diagnosed with ASD. Tune in to gain insight about the cognitive processes underlying behavior, and strategies for developing exercises to encourage positive change during the COVID-19 shutdown.
About the speaker:
Rob Bernstein has over 30 years of in-depth experience working with a wide range of clients on the spectrum. He is also the author of the award-winning book “Uniquely Normal: Tapping the Reservoir of Normalcy to Treat Autism,” with the foreword by Temple Grandin.
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Treating autism with contingent electric shock: Are all possible options really considered?
The use of punishment to treat severe behavioral challenges in autistic children was first introduced nearly 60 years ago. Although most people in the autism community strongly disagree with using
Preemptive intervention for at-risk infants may reduce ASD risk and symptoms, study suggests
Preemptive intervention for infants who exhibit signs of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may reduce the intensity of their ASD traits and lower their odds of receiving an ASD diagnosis by three
Behavioral Support – Beyond Early Intervention
Due to technical difficulties, playback has been delayed. Check back later. About the speaker: Dr. Melissa Olive’s brother, Mac, is the foundation of her mission. In her early teens Missy,
ABCs of Behavioral Support in 2021
Melissa Olive, Ph.D., BCBA-D describes the components of a quality behavioral support program. She discusses controversial characteristics of applied behavioral analysis (ABA) and outlines current ABA best practices. Olive summarizes the "ABC view"
Research on Maternal Immune Activation, Pregnancy & Covid-19
Learn about emerging findings on maternal immune activation and Covid-19. About the speaker: Judy Van de Water, PhD, joined the faculty in the
Auditory Processing and Autism Spectrum Disorders
Sophie Schwartz, Ph.D., discusses auditory processing disorders (ADPs) in individuals with autism. She defines ADPs and highlights their impact on language acquisition and quality of life. Schwartz outlines her recent research at Boston University